Every Body Is a Treasure Charitable Trust – BOPO paying it Forward
Imagine a world where modern girls found the idea of struggling with their body and their looks as odd as we would find not being able to vote.
The culture in our great grandmothers time asserted women were not wise enough to vote. It took a movement of women to prove them wrong.
Today 80% of 18 year olds are not happy with their bodies. Tween suicide (girls aged 10-14) has tripled since 1998 (the year before social media was introduced to the world).
It is going to take the effort of our generation to help clean this mental mess up for the next generation. There is a trillion dollar industry that currently benefits from our daughters and our own self doubt.
In September of 2017 our studio and some Body Positive advocates started the Every Body is a Treasure Charitable Trust. The mission of the Trust is to kick start a mojolution that will lead to the formation of Generation Mojo. A generation of girls who would find body shame as strange as we find not being able to vote.
We do this by putting on free Body Positive workshops all over the north island for the moment and hopefully the country before long.
If you want to know a wee bit about our trusts work you can hop on over to the website here and learn all about it.
What it means to you, is that for every dollar you spend with us…10% goes to the work of the trust to help change the world for the next generation of women. A generation of resilient, powerful, creatively uninhibited women. Imagine what a world run by them would look like? That one. I pick that one please.