Tweens – Waiting List | New Zealand Creative Photographer of the Year -Tween Project




To answers three questions I have received from mothers about the project:

  1. Is it right to focus on bodies for such a young age group?
    1. For the segment we are filming we are not focusing on the tweens bodies.  We are asking them to pick three words that describe themselves. And filming their response to this.  It is meant to be an innocent counterpoint to a later segment in the documentary that highlights body shame carried by older women.   Please do not prep your daughter for this as it will diminish the spontaneous nature of it but we just wanted you to know what to expect.
  2. Who will have access to my child during the filming.
    1. The filming will be done by myself and possibly one other female film crew member.  You will be present for the entire event and at no time will your daughter be removed from your sight.  The filming section only takes about 10 minutes maximum.
  3. I don’t consider age 6 tween age…why have you chosen so young to start?
    1. I have found with the tween photoshoots that I have done that there is a degree of sophistication that is now present in our young girls that didn’t exist for our youth.  6 years old still seems to capture that innocence but still coupled with physical competence to do things.   I am also curious when the bubble of self confidence starts to thin.  So starting this young is a good baseline for when I get closer to the teen years.


What a mum had to say about the experience for her daughter:

“My daughter and I met with Mandi for a casting call and my daughter was selected for an extended photo shoot, which has been such an amazing experience. My daughter has been teased for her slender body shape and has struggled with self confidence because of it. After spending time with Mandi she has absolutely flourished. Her photos were stunning and she has really embraced her body shape since the shoot. Her photos make her feel like a Queen, and after years of turning away from her dancing talent due to low self esteem now she has decided to give it another try. I cannot thank Mandi enough for such an amazing and inspiring event. HIGHLY recommended!! Xx” – Sammie Lee